In the news
Hands-on with Taskito, a to-do app that does things a little differently
A supercharged alternative to the agenda view in Google Calendar.
“I absolutely love working with Taskito for its timeline interface. I prefer planning my to-dos in my calendar, so seeing all of my tasks laid out in chronological order helps me immensely. Taskito may very well be a great alternative to the competition from Todoist, TickTick, Microsoft To Do, Google Tasks, and Co.”
Taskito Planning App Review – organize like never before?
“Taskito has a simple interface but comes with customizable themes, the interchangeable timeline views are advantageous, free plan does not have any push ads, Organization is easy with color tags and priority level selection”
Taskito - Interview with the Developer
An interview with the developer of Taskito which talks about how the app came to be, challenges faced and how the app has grown to 500,000+ downloads on Google Play.
“We would choose specifically the word ‘comfortable’ because it seems like this app has found that the golden middle between the abundance of features and simple interface. It is that kind of app that you might want to use every single day.”
Taskito, la app definitiva para organizarte el día a día
“Es una realidad que las apps dirigidas a la productividad se han convertido en el complemento perfecto para todo tipo de usuarios, tanto en su ámbito profesional como personal. En concreto, las apps para organizar las tareas son una de las que nos ayudan a hacer el día mucho más eficiente. En esas está Taskito, una herramienta que no es tan conocida pero que tiene mucho que decir.”
Las 8 mejores apps de listas de tareas
“Taskito se merece un lugar en esta selección por su formato, muy distinto al de otras apps de su categoría. La aplicación cuenta con un formato cronológico, que muestra todas las tareas en una línea de tiempo de modo que sea más fácil organizar nuestro día a día, al saber qué tarea debemos completar en cada momento.”
Taskito: A refreshing take on To-Do planning and journalling
“Taskito's simplistic (yet powerful) approach and (bottom navigation focused) interface is a welcome move among this entire category of apps; also, offering features Project planing and even Journaling!”
La aplicación de tareas sencilla con la que irás más rápido: Taskito
“Taskito es una aplicación de tareas ideal para hacerlo de manera gratuita y con un diseño bastante diferente a las típicas aplicaciones de este tipo.
Su principal ventaja es su versatilidad, ya que cuenta con diferentes formatos en los que anotar tus tareas o notas, y esto puede venirte muy bien para organizar correctamente tus proyectos, además de poder ver el progreso de los mismos.”
Download Taskito - Ứng dụng ghi chú, quản lý công việc cho mobile
“Taskito is considered to be a to-do-list app worth trying for those who want to increase productivity, work efficiency and manage life. The application allows users to plan, tasks, schedule, create to-do lists as well as notes, reminders, ... and experience many other useful features.”
Top 10 Best Planner Apps For iOS and Android
“Taskito allows you to set agendas, alarms, checklists, notes and much more. Above all, it supports data sync and import from Google calendar events as well as other android apps.”
— Smart Tip
Press kit & resources
We have created a review guide & press kit. If you are a blogger or from the media, feel free to reach out to us at hey.taskito@gmail.com and use the available assets & resources.