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Calendar based to-do list app to help you manage day-to-day tasks & achieve bigger goals in life.


Why another to-do list app?

Taskito emphasizes on the calendar & timeline of your day. A lot of great task management apps become less productive as we start adding tasks in different sections. There are just 24 hours in a day. Taskito helps you schedule your day most effectively.



Everything is compiled in your Timeline – notes, tasks, reminders, and events. Timeline helps keep track of the things to do today. Add checklist to break down tasks in smaller chunks. Keep daily goals small & achievable.

Planning Board

Planning is essential to stay on track and concur life goals. Taskito provides a place to create projects, add plans & ideas to it. Plans must be refined & prioritized. Once you are ready, move the plan to the timeline as a task.

Repeating reminders

Just reminders. Add daily, weekly or monthly recurring reminders that send notification alert to your phone. These can be used for events such as paying bills, appointments, etc.

Calendar events

Import Google calendar events to your Timeline. This will improve your daily summary and help you schedule tasks as you can see when you are busy.

Recurring tasks

Create daily, weekly or monthly recurring tasks. Once created, task instances will be added to your timeline. Add tags, reminder, checklist to your recurring tasks. Track your habits & routines.


Templates help create tasks, checklists quickly. Templates can be used for weekly grocery list, morning workout routine, etc.


Customization & personalization is at the core of Taskito. The app offers 15+ themes to personalize the app the way you want!

Multi-device Sync

Taskito offers real-time synchronization functionality which can be used to sync data between all your devices.


Taskito is an Android app available on Google PlayStore. It may be available on other APK hosting sites as well.


Taskito is free to download & use. Some of the features in Taskito are available to Premium Members only. Taskito offers 3 different ways to get Premium Membership.

  • Monthly Subscription

  • Annual Subscription

  • Lifetime Subscription: Pay only once to get a lifetime premium membership.

We often host promo code giveaways on Twitter & Reddit. We offer promo codes to users who provide us feedback & bug report. You can contact us if you want to provide some promo codes for your subscribers or followers.

Basic v/s Premium Comparison

Feature Basic Premium
Tasks and Checklists
Tags and Templates
Data Synchronization
Repeating tasks and Repeating reminders 🔒
Multiple reminders for tasks 🔒
Board and Projects 🔒
Import Calendar Events 🔒
15+ Light and Dark themes 🔒


We have uploaded screenshots in different languages to Google Drive. Feel free to use these assets.